Not in regular stock item. Pls contact us before you buy.
The price informaton:
Retailed Price :USD$24/unit
Shipping Cost : USD$4/Unit (Shipping to worldwide),
Total Cost : USD$28/Unit.
Each additional shipping cost: USD$3/Unit.
We offer combined shipment service.
For example,One item the retailed price is USD$25/Unit ,Shipping Cost is USD$5/Uint,Each additional shipping cost USD$3/Unit.
Now,You buy 3 pcs of this item, and you need to pay 25×3+5+2×3=USD$86,(If you order many quantity simply add 1 pcs item to your shopping cart and then pay for the price difference,finally leave a message to us indicate the quantity) For your convinience you can pay the price difference from HERE or CONTACT US for more info.
Also, you can select the UPS, DHL, EMS,TNT typically takes only 5-10 workingdays. If you want to use the express service you need to pay for the price difference please contact us before you pay.
If you are a wholesaler or need to wholesale contact us for better price.
Item Description:
Item Condition: Like New without retail package.
TEXT INPUT DEVICE can use for ALL REGION Xbox 360. It includes the headset.
Not including the controller, Only the keyboard, Thanks.
What is in the package: